Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Easing into GenAI Can Be Simple: Start Small by Transitioning Your Data from Keyword Search to Semantic Search with AI

Okay, if you want to get into GenAI, the easiest way is to take your current data and transform the way you search for and process information. Historically, this has been predominantly driven by keywords. Traditional search engines and databases rely heavily on matching exact words or phrases to deliver results. While effective to a certain extent, this approach often misses the mark on understanding the context or the semantic meaning behind a query. As we sail further into the era of artificial intelligence (AI), a transformative shift is taking shape: moving from keyword search and legacy data handling to...

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Navigating the Future with AI as Our Co-Pilot

This new phase in AI is having an exponential growth. As we delve into the realm of AI and its being integrate into our daily lives and workspaces, we must observe how seamlessly it has transitioned from a concept of sci-fi lore to an indispensable tool in our everyday routines. AI’s evolution has been so profound that it now plays a pivotal role in conducting daily data gather, writing code, screen writing, robotics, and fetching analytics data with precision that rivals, if not surpasses, human capability. This metamorphosis begs the question: How much will AI take over? The answer to...

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